Approximating Euler’s Number Using a Random Number Generator

I stumbled upon a mathematical curiosity on Twitter:

Pick random numbers between 0 and 1, until the sum is greater than 1. Repeat forever. The average number of numbers picked will be Euler’s number (e=2.718281828…)

Here is the proof:

The kids wanted to try, so we coded it in C#:

using System;
namespace EulerNumberGenerator
class Program
static Random rand = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
double sum = 0;
int amount = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
int picks = DoRandomPicks();
sum = sum + picks;
double avg = sum / (i + 1);
Console.WriteLine("Avg:" + avg + " Error: " + (avg – Math.E));
static int DoRandomPicks()
int pickCounter = 0;
double sum = 0;
while (sum < 1)
double r = rand.NextDouble();
sum = sum + r;
return pickCounter;


Here is a snippet of output:

Avg:2.70660032651792 Error:-0.0116815019411254
Avg:2.70662313432836 Error:-0.0116586941306869
Avg:2.70664593859308 Error:-0.0116358898659632
Avg:2.70666873931292 Error:-0.0116130891461275
Avg:2.70669153648869 Error:-0.0115902919703532

After a few thousand iterations the error went down to around 0.0001

It then occurred to me that this function might be an easy way to test the randomness of a Random Number Generator.

What do you think?


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